Mommy Makeover Patient 5

This 34 year old mother underwent a bilateral breast augmentation (Silicone implants, 375cc, moderate plus profile in a dual plane pocket) together with a full tummy tuck.

These results are 1 year postop.

Mommy Makeover Patient 3

43 year old female who underwent a bilateral breast reduction through a lollipop vertical scar and a full tummy tuck with liposuction of her abdomen and flanks.

These results are 1 and 1/2 years  postop.

Mommy Makeover Patient 2

This is a 46 year old female who underwent a bilateral vertical breast lift with a full abdominoplasty and tightening of her abdominal muscles.

These results are 5 months postop.

Mommy Makeover Patient 1

This 45 year old female underwent a bilateral vertical breast reduction with a full abdominoplasty and tightening of her abdominal muscles.  These results are 2 months postop.

Give Mom an Incredible Gift this Mother’s Day

Mommy Makeover ChicagoIf you’re looking for a fun new way to pamper your mom this Mother’s Day, think about giving her the makeover she’s always wanted. Sure, she loved those homemade cards and art projects you gave her when you were a kid, but now that you’re all grown up, you’ve got a better sense of what your mother would really like. Help her feel young and vibrant this Mother’s Day by treating her to the rejuvenating treatments she’s always talked about but never had the guts to get on her own.

A trip to the spa is always a wonderful Mother’s Day gift. You and your mother can get side-by-side facials and massages, or you can step it up a notch with nonsurgical rejuvenation treatments. If you’ve heard your mom talk about Botox or dermal fillers before, chances are she’s just a little too self-conscious or nervous to take the plunge herself. Get her the gift you know she wants by treating her to these wonderful options for looking and feeling more youthful.

One of the best things about nonsurgical treatments like Botox and fillers such as Perlane, Voluma, and Juvederm is that the treatments are highly customizable and nonpermanent. In the hands of a skilled plastic surgeon such as Dr. Niki Christopoulos, you can use Botox to reduce those wrinkles that make you look tired, sad or even angry, while fillers will fill in lost volume that can give a sagging and hollowed look. The right board certified plastic surgeon can create a customized experience that leaves you looking and feeling years younger in minutes.

And don’t forget to treat yourself this Mother’s Day. If you’ve been thinking about a mommy makeover in Chicago, stop thinking and take the time to explore your options. By taking an hour out of your day to talk to a board certified plastic surgeon, you can get all of your questions answered and find out what you can achieve for yourself with a mommy makeover.

If you live in Chicago, mommy makeover surgery or nonsurgical facial treatments might be your ticket to the best Mother’s Day ever. Learn more by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Christopoulos today.

Time Committed to Your Mommy Makeover Surgery

You love your kids more than anything in the world, but you’re not a big fan of what bringing them into this world has done to your body. If you’re like most women, you’ve probably toyed with the idea of getting a mommy makeover. Mommy makeover surgery can be completed in a matter of hours, but it’s going to take a lot longer for you to recover completely. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the time you can expect to commit:

Choosing a Chicago Board Certified Plastic Surgeon – Roughly One Week

Choosing a plastic surgeon is one of the most important decisions you will make with regard to your mommy makeover. Take the time to read reviews and talk to friends who have already gone through the procedure. Make sure that your surgeon is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), then schedule a consultation to get to know them better. You want to not only feel comfortable with the plastic surgeon that you choose, but also have full confidence in his or her experience.

Initial Consultation – One to Two Hours

During your initial consultation you’ll discuss the issues you’re having with your body and what you would like to achieve with your mommy makeover. Generally, a mommy makeover can include a breast augmentation or breast lift, a tummy tuck, liposuction, minimizing your stretch marks, or a combination of treatments. This appointment will last for as long as it takes to figure out exactly what you want from your mommy makeover.

Final Consultation – One Hour

You may also schedule a follow-up consultation before your surgery to make sure that you and your surgeon are on the same page. In some cases, this happens immediately before your scheduled procedure.

The Actual Surgery – 4 to 6 Hours

The length of your surgery itself will depend on the treatment options you and your plastic surgeon have decided upon. In most cases, all of your mommy makeover procedures can be completed at one time, which helps minimize your recovery period. Remember that you’ll need to find someone to drive you home post-surgery because you won’t be able to drive yourself.

Waking Up from your Anesthesia – 2 to 3 Hours

Once your procedure is done, it will take about 2 to 3 hours for your anesthetic to wear off. Your plastic surgeon may keep you in the recovery room for one or two extra hours to make sure that you are recovering well and ready to go home.

Initial Recovery – 2 to 3 days

The first few days after your surgery, you’re going to be taking medication every few hours to help minimize your pain. Physically, you’ll be limited, so you’ll need to find someone who can look after your kids for you during these first few days.

Continuing Recovery – 2 to 3 weeks

For the next few weeks, you’ll be weaning yourself off of your medication and slowly starting to feel like yourself again. It’s definitely a good idea to have some extra help with your kids during this time, and if you can, take time off from work.

Long Term Recovery and Follow-Up Appointments – 2 to 3 Months

Over the next few months, your scars will begin to heal and you will start to feel better and better. Remember to take it easy over this time if you can and ease back into your workout and daily life routines. You’ll also need to schedule a few follow-up appointments with your Chicago plastic surgeon to make sure that you’re healing properly.

Want a Mommy Makeover? You’re not Alone, Mom

Any stigma associated with cosmetic surgery is officially a thing of the past. The men and women of America have weighed in, and more people are opting for plastic surgery now than ever before. According to the American Society for Plastic Surgery, the number of people undergoing breast augmentations has risen 39% over the last ten years. Over the same period, breast lifts have gone up (no pun intended) 70%, and tummy tucks have gone up a whopping 85%.

What do breast augmentations, breast lifts, and tummy tucks all have in common? They’re all procedures that fall under the umbrella of the “mommy makeover.” These procedures have become more advanced over the last ten years, which contributes to their growing popularity, but the biggest contributor to the rise of these surgeries is the idea of the mommy makeover.

A mommy makeover isn’t one particular surgery. It refers to a set of cosmetic surgeries that a woman undergoes after having children. Mommy makeover surgery can include breast surgeries, tummy tucks, liposuction, and other procedures that help women feel like themselves again after giving birth.

It’s no secret that having children wreaks havoc on your body. Yes, your body is designed to give birth, and it’s a beautiful thing. But if having children leaves you with a body that makes you feel less than beautiful, a mommy makeover can help reverse some of the lasting effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

We believe that the mommy makeover in Chicago is so popular because it’s a way for women to reclaim their bodies after having children. Becoming a mom shouldn’t mean that you have to give up feeling like a sexy confident woman. Choosing to get a mommy makeover is a very personal decision, and one that every woman should feel empowered to make for herself.

If you’re interested in a mommy makeover, be sure to choose a plastic surgeon in Chicago who is board certified in plastic surgery, who has excellent testimonials, and who makes you feel comfortable, like Dr. Niki Christopoulos. With a mommy makeover, you may have two or three procedures done all at the same time. That can mean a lot of change, so you’ll want to be sure that you’re in the most capable hands possible.