A forehead lift or “Brow Lift” is used to correct a drooping eyebrow and reduce the horizontal forehead lines that can cause a tired or angry appearance. Since the eyes are one of the first areas to show signs of aging, a brow lift is often combined with blepharoplasty surgery to improve the overall appearance of the forehead and eyes to restore the vibrancy, and well rested and relaxed look you desire.
Ready to take the next step? Contact the office of Dr. Christopoulos for more information or to schedule your consultation.
Dr. Christopoulos performs her surgeries in a fully accredited outpatient surgical facility. The procedure can take anywhere from 1-2 hours, depending on which procedure, or combination of procedures you are having performed.
Dr. Christopoulos, in conjunction with an anesthesiologist, will use either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia to keep you comfortable and safe during your procedure.
A traditional or open brow lift involves a coronal incision which extends from about ear level up across the scalp and down towards the other ear level. This is placed within the hairline so the scar will not be visible. In patients who have a high hairline the incision may be placed just at the hairline to avoid creating a longer forehead.
The less invasive endoscopic brow lift involves several smaller incisions placed in the scalp through which small instruments are placed to access the forehead and brow structures.
It is through these various incisions that Dr. Christopoulos elevates the forehead skin to reposition and/ or alter the underlying tissues and muscles to create a smoother more youthful appearance with a naturally positioned eyebrow.
The length of recovery depends on the type of procedure or combination of procedures you have performed and the healing process does vary from individual to individual. It is natural to expect some swelling, bruising and numbness of the forehead and scalp; this lasts anywhere from several days to several weeks. Sutures and/ or surgical clips are removed within 1-2 weeks and most patients can return to work within 7-10 days. Results from your Brow Lift surgery will become visible as the bruising and swelling subside. Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Christopoulos to discuss further any questions you may have and to see which procedure is the correct one for you.
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©2024 Copyright Niki Christopoulos, MD FACS
Disclaimer: Dr. Niki Christopoulos & Christopoulos Plastic Surgery Chicago, IL Please remember that medical information provided by Dr. Niki Christopoulos & Christopoulos Plastic Surgery in the absence of a visit with a health care professional, must be considered as an educational service only. YOUR RESULTS WILL VARY. The information sent through e-mail should not be relied upon as a medical consultation. This mechanism is not designed to replace a physician’s independent judgement about the appropriateness or risks of a procedure for a given patient. We will do our best to provide you with information that will help you make your own health care decisions. Many external links have been provided on this site as a service and convenience to our patients and other visitors to our website. These external sites are created and maintained by other public and private organizations. We do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. If you require to find out more please email us on info@christopoulosplasticsurgery.com