Scar revision surgery is meant to minimize or improve a scar so that its appearance is less noticeable and more consistent with your surrounding skin. Scars can be the result of previous surgery, trauma, or skin conditions like acne or chicken pox. While scars are, by definition permanent, surgery and other treatments can greatly fade and improve their appearance.
Ready to take the next step? Contact the office of Dr. Christopoulos for more information or to schedule your consultation.
Surgical scar revision is in most cases an outpatient in-office procedure that is performed under local and/or oral anesthesia. Dr. Christopoulos will use a variety of techniques, ranging from simple scar excision to more advanced tissue rearrangement techniques such as local flaps or Z-plasty in order to give you the best overall improvement. The effectives of scar revision surgery depends on a number of factors and the healing process does vary from individual to individual. Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Christopoulos to discuss further any questions you may have and to determine the best treatment plan for you.
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