What’s the Best Way to Get Rid of My Lower Belly Pooch?

What’s the best way to get rid of my lower belly pooch? Ever since I gave birth to my children, I’ve struggled with this area of my body. My abs are flat save for this pooch. Help!

Dr. Niki ChristopoulosUnfortunately, the problem that you are facing is a very common one. After giving birth, many women find that most of their body rebounds, but the skin around their stomach does not. Particularly after a second or third child, women who had no trouble getting their bodies back after the first few pregnancies often find that their bodies have stopped responding the way they once did.

This is perfectly natural and, again, very common. But if your little pooch is making you feel less confident or less beautiful, there are a number of options that can help you feel like yourself again.

The first option is a mini tummy tuck. In my office in Chicago, tummy tuck procedures have helped quite a few mothers feel rejuvenated following pregnancy. The mini tummy tuck is great because it gets rid of excess skin and leaves you with a tighter abdomen without leaving a significant scar. The mini tummy tuck can be combined with liposuction if necessary to help give you the flat belly you’ve been missing.
If the skin has become quite loose, you may need a full tummy tuck in order to get back your pre-pregnancy body. The main difference between full tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck is that a larger incision is needed in order to address the area of concern. The incision is made from the inside of one hip to the inside of the other hip below your panty line so that the scar will not show when you wear a bikini. Over time and with the right care, your scar should fade substantially. For more information on your tummy tuck options and what might be entailed, read our blog Tummy Tucks: Traditional vs. Extended vs. Mini.
If, on the other hand, your skin is actually tight, but you’re dealing with a pooch of hard to get rid of fat underneath your skin, you might want to consider liposuction. With the latest advances in liposuction technology, you can achieve highly customized results that are in line with your particular wishes. Liposuction doesn’t require any major incisions, and the downtime is quite short, which is a big part of why liposuction is so popular in the United States.

If you’re interested in tummy tucks or liposuction in Chicago, contact my office schedule a consultation. I’d be happy to talk to you about all of your options for restoring your body to its pre-mommy peak.