Tummy Tuck Patient 30

This 52 year old female was unhappy with her lower abdominal skin excess.  She had a full tummy tuck with tightening of her abdominal muscles.  These results are 8 months postop.

Tummy Tuck Patient 28

This 40 year old mom wanted to get rid of her tummy excess.  Dr. Christopoulos performed a full tummy tuck with liposuction of her abdomen and flanks to get these results at 7 months postop.

Tummy Tuck Patient 27

This fit athletic mom could not correct her tummy bulge despite hours at the gym.  A full tummy tuck with tightening of her wide muscle separation or diastasis recti was able to give her the flat tummy she was looking for.  These photos are 1 year postop.

Tummy Tuck Patient 24

This 58 year old female was unhappy with her excess abdominal skin and fat that she felt was hindering her attempts at weight loss.  She underwent a full tummy tuck with liposuction of the abdomen and was thrilled with these results at 1.5 years postop.

Tummy Tuck Patient 22

This fit 35 year old was unhappy with her tummy pooch that persisted despite healthy diet and lifestyle.  Dr. Christopoulos performed a full tummy tuck with tightening of her abdominal muscles  (rectus diastasis) to give her this sculpted look at 4 months postop.