Tummy Tucks: Traditional vs. Extended vs. Mini
When most men and women talk about “problem areas,” the first item on the list is the tummy. Even extremely fit people can have a tough time getting rid of that little pouch that falls directly under the belly button. The internet abounds with tricks and tips to get rid of those last few pounds, but we’ve yet to find one that works. Likewise, many people who have conquered the long battle of getting fit are often disappointed to find that, once the fat is gone, a lot of excess skin remains.
This is where a tummy tuck can help. A tummy tuck is the colloquial term for abdominoplasty, an elective surgery that can be used to remove excess fat and skin from the midsection… but you probably already knew that. What you may not know is that there are actually three different kinds of tummy tucks.
If you’re not sure which type may be right for you and your body, the best thing for you to do is to visit Chicago plastic surgeon Dr. Niki Christopoulos and discuss your wishes during a private consultation. However, if you’d like to start exploring the different type of tummy tucks before you meet with Dr. Christopoulos, here’s a quick run-down to get you started:
The Mini
A mini tummy tuck is the least invasive tuck, as the name implies. With this tuck, you’ll have the smallest incision, usually just a few inches long across your lower abdomen. Dr. Christopoulos will use this incision to remove small amounts of excess fat and skin from the area of your stomach that falls below your belly button. This is usually the area of the stomach that fit people have the hardest time defeating with diet and exercise alone.
The Traditional
A traditional tummy tuck requires a larger incision, usually across the lower belly from the inside of each hip. With this procedure, Dr. Christopoulos can remove excess fat and skin from the entire abdomen, from the ribs below your chest down to your pubic bone. Additionally, during this type of tummy tuck, Dr. Christopoulos often chooses to combine liposuction for even better results.
A traditional tummy tuck has a slightly longer recovery time than the mini, but the results are also more dramatic. A traditional tummy tuck is a great way for people who have recently lost a fair amount of weight (or given birth) to remove the poochy excess skin that can keep you from looking and feeling your best.
The Extended
The extended tummy tuck is for people who have lost a great deal of weight and want their figure to match the way they feel. With an incision that extends beyond the hips, this procedure can remove excess fat and skin from the entire abdomen, the upper hips, and the lower back. This procedure generally involves liposuction to help shape the torso and leave you with a silhouette you’ll love.
If you’d like to learn more about a tummy tuck in Chicago, please set up your consultation by contacting the office of Dr. Niki Christopoulos today.