What to Expect from Your Breast Augmentation Recovery

One of the many reasons that breast augmentation is so popular is that the recovery period is relatively short and simple. Though breast surgery is indeed surgery, the whole process can be completed within one to two hours under general anesthesia. A few hours after you’re done with the procedure, you’ll be able to go home and sleep in your own bed. Here’s what you can expect during your recovery from a breast augmentation in Chicago:

Right after surgery…

Your breasts will be wrapped in gauze, and you’ll be given pain killers to help reduce the pain. The amount of discomfort that you’ll feel will depend on your tolerance for pain and the type of procedure you opt for. Women who have their implants placed “under the muscle” tend to experience slightly more discomfort immediately following the surgery. Expect to be sore and to go home and relax – no work for you.

In the week following surgery…

Take it easy as your body heals and your breasts begin settling into place. Avoid lifting anything heavier than a milk jug for a few days. Your plastic surgeon will likely provide you with a supportive bra to wear day and night for a few weeks. If you have small children, arrange for some extra help for a few days after your surgery. And if you have a demanding job, consider getting your surgery on a Wednesday or Thursday and taking the rest of the week off. That way you’ll have plenty of time to rest. Don’t go shopping for new bras just yet because your breasts will continue to change shape and size as your post-surgery swelling goes down and your implants settle into place.

In the months following your surgery…

You should be able to resume a normal workout schedule a few weeks after your procedure. You’ll have a follow-up appointment with your cosmetic surgeon, and he or she will give you specific advice for your recovery. Remember to avoid sun exposure to your scars for at least six weeks following surgery, because sun exposure will make your incision scars more pronounced. Don’t wear underwire bras for at least a month and if you have any pain that persists, let your plastic surgeon know immediately.